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VWC Daily Prayer timetable 2 Hours 40mins

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1 Corinthians 15:34 (KJV)

34 Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.

Each day has 24 hours- the tithe of the day 2 hours 40 minutes is to create a lifestyle of  continuous prayer. When you are in Love with Jesus you will want to connect with HIM all the time. As when you are in love you want to spend time with  your intended husband or wife.  You can always Pray More. These are just an example.  As you grow your prayer life will grow in the LORD.  PRAY Without Ceasing - 1 Thess. 5:17-  PRAISE THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.   THANK YOU JESUS THANK YOU HOLY SPIRIT.  

In the Morning  (first minute) all in JESUS NAME.

Thanksgiving to GOD Almighty for the night

Thanksgiving for a new day

Thanksgiving for the good works pre-planned by the Lord for that day.

Second Minute 

consecration to the LORD

Receiving the infilling of the  Holy Spirit.

Third Minute 

Asking for daily bread

Asking for other basic needs: transportation and so on.

Fourth Minute

Placing your body, life, job, finances, feelings, mind, and will under the blood of Jesus 

Placing all that you love and all that is their  under the blood of Jesus for protection from the attacks of satan.

Fifth minute

Praying for your job and all that is happening there and will happen there that day.

Sixth Minute

Praying further for your place of employment and your job.

Seventh Minute

Praying for the right attitude to all you will meet that day.

Eighth Minute

Ask to be led to the person you will witness to that day.

Ninth minute 

Ask to be led to the person  to whom you will witness to that day to be saved.

Tenth minute

Pray for all the appointments you have during the day.

Eleventh minute 

Pray for all your Family members

Twelfth minute 

Pray for your friend (s) and all those you love.

Thirteenth minute  

Pray about your physical appearance: what you will wear and how it will please God Almighty.

Fourteenth minute

Pray  about your attitude towards time for the day.. How to use it, redeem it, and how to prepare how to account  time at the Judgment seat of the Lord.

Fifteenth minute 

Ask the LORD to prepare hear for all the unexpected events and all the unexpected people who will come your way that day.



First Minute

Confess any sin committed since morning.

Receiving the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

Second minute

Thank God for all that has happened since Morning.

Mention specific items and thank HIM for answering 

Third minute 

Pray for your Assembly

Fourth minute 

Pray for your spiritual leader.

Fifth minute 

Pray for 5 people who have not yet believed.

Sixth minute 

Pray for the next 5 people on your list who have  not yet believed .

Seventh minute 

Pray for  5 believers

Eighth minute 

Pray for the backsliders 

Ninth minute

Pray for 2 organization (ministries) serving the LORD'S interest in your country or any part of the world.

Tenth minute 

Pray for the ministry that you are involved with physically and/or  financial

Eleventh minute 

Continue to pray for the Godly ministry that you are a part of 

Twelfth minute 

Continue to pray for godly ministries 

Thirteenth minute

Pray for an unevangelized area or country 

Fourteenth minute

Pray for the Political leaders of your Nations(s)

Fifteenth minute 

Thank the LORD for the privilege of praying. Thank the LORD for this prayer session.  Sing a song unto the LORD

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